Biographies & Profiles

I've updated the Biographies & Profiles page by adding Georgina Spelvin, Ginger Lynn, Leslie Bovee and Linda Wong.

I've also expanded it to include porn stars not normally covered by this blog: Anita Dark, Cicciolina, Lea Martini and Nici Sterling. No clips will be posted of these women as they haven't appeared in any loops, but I figured I'd written the bios, so I might as well share them. I'll be adding more once they're finished... Amber Lynn, Hyapatia Lee and Moana Pozzi will probably be next.

All biographies are unofficial. They are based on my own research using existing publications and interviews. I'm sure they contain mistakes but this isn't an academic exercise. The point is to present these porn stars with a human face and let you know a little bit about who they may, or may not have been. If there are any really obvious mistakes though, just let me know.

You can now download all biographies in PDF format. The password as always is gfox.

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